Egg and Cheese Crepes


Egg and Cheese Crepes

Makes 10 Crepes, Serving Size 2 Crepes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine Eggs
Servings 5



  • 2/3 cup flour
  • 3/4 cup 1% milk
  • 2 Tbsp butter melted
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3 eggs


  • 10 Eggs
  • 5 oz cheddar cheese, shredded
  • **meat of choice – optional**
  • **sauteed veggies of choice – optional**

Hollandaise Sauce

  • 2  egg yolks
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp butter melted
  • 2 Tbsp  fresh lemon juice



  • Mix all ingredients together. Let batter sit for 30 minutes. Prepare filling while waiting for batter to sit
  • To make crepes, with burner on medium heat, pour about 1/4 cup into a small (8 inch) pan that has been sprayed with cooking spray.
  • Move the batter around to cover the bottom. When the bottom is golden brown, and the edges begin to curl, flip over. Cook until golden on that side. Remove from pan and keep moist by covering with a damp paper towel. Repeat for 10 crepes. **You will need to turn the burner down as you cook more, they cook very fast in a hot pan**


  • Beat eggs
  • Cook until desired doneness – add any optional add ins, season with salt and pepper

Hollandaise Sauce

  • Make Hollandaise sauce by putting 1 egg yolk in a blender, blend. Slowly, in a steady stream, add the melted butter. Add the lemon juice. Let process for about 30 seconds.


  • Add 1/10 of egg mixture to each crepe
  • Sprinkle with cheese
  • Roll up
  • Top each crepe with 1 tsp hollandaise sauce
  • ***It's great to have help with this dish as all the components need to be timed to be done at the same time!***