2 thoughts on “Cinnamon Rolls”

  1. 5 stars
    I would like to say the next time you make the Cinnamon Rolls, When you cut the dough into the 12 equal pieces, place them in a round 9 inch pie tin, I usually get them at the dollar store 3 for 1.00. Spray your pan with Pan spray.
    Then you will bake them and have one for now and one to put in the freezer. I learned this trick from my Aunt, she put the baked cinn. rolls pie pan in a gallon zip lock bag. She also only glazed her cinn. rolls with a little bit of powdered sugar and milk, I would use Swerve, since watching your show and then looking for Swerve in the stores. My Aunt always had cinn rolls in the freezer & ready to fix in a hurry. Blessings

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