
About me

About Me

Hello and Welcome!

My name is Joan.  I have been following the WW Lifestyle since 2/13/18.  After continuously gaining weight and having problems with my blood pressure directly related to my weight gain, I decided to do something about it.  I grabbed my 2 besties and we went to WW.  I started on 2/13/18 at 198.2.  My goal was to lose 50 pounds by my 50th birthday on 9/9/18.  I am happy to say that by mid August, I lost my 50 pounds!  I made my WW goal of 146 on 9/11/18, I made Lifetime status on 10/23/18 and made my personal goal of 135 in November.  I have been maintaining my 133-135 range since then.  I went from a tight size 14/16/XL to a very comfortable 2/4/XS/S.  I started running again and I feel FANTASTIC!  If I can do it, anyone can!